Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mythical Dead Week

Mythical dead week. Something the University created, from what I understand, as a week of for students before finals. At some point, this changed however, and now it’s supposed to be a week where students still go to class but don’t really do anything. First, this doesn’t make any sense. If I’m going to go to class, why would I just go to sit there, I wouldn’t. Secondly, what are the teachers supposed to do during this dead space, just review for their final? Well, what if they don’t have a final, as many of my classes this semester don’t.

Basically, the teachers have solved the answers to these questions. I don’t have a single teacher who is honoring the rules of dead week by giving absolutely no assignments. In fact, I’ve had more papers, tests, and quizzes this week than I have in the past. Why? Because it’s the last week of the semester and we still haven’t finished all of what we need to learn to pass the final.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not angry at my teachers for giving me something to do during this useless period of time set forth by the University, I just wish someone would make up their minds. Either refer to the week as dead week and give me the week off or just accept that we no longer have the mythical creature on campus.

Why not just have a last week of the semester. The library could still be open ungodly hours so that we can study for everything thrown at us this last week and it can be more properly described. Dead week no longer exists and the term is used almost as a false hope to students who are ready to be out of school.


Joe Kennedy said...

yeah up until sunday i was pretty sure school was over, then someone told me i still had to go to class...not cool ua

~*Hello Kitty*~ said...

Yeah, I think the whole thing was a nice gesture, but right about now if they got rid of it I so would not be mad. All of my other friends who go to other universities are already out because they don't have dead weeks! I know it would be a hassle to end class on friday and start exams on monday, but it would be a price I would be willing to pay. Also, I know I didn't really utilize dead week like I should have. I'm not gonna lie, and I know some of the other people on my hall didn't because their having parties in their rooms and gettin drunk! So not studying!!

Blogging for Dummies said...

Yeah dead week is pretty gay. I really wish that we were out of school right now like everybody else.

Nick said...

Yeah I completely agree. I blogged about the same thing actually